Lauren Cislowski works in the Technology Consulting team at EY, specialising in user experience design. But that’s not where the story begins: back in 2016, she was in Year 11 at Mount Annan High School...
ABCN welcomed 43 of the record 45 Year 11 Accelerate scholars and their mentors from all over Australia face-to-face to take part in the ABCN Foundation 10 Year Anniversary Leadership Summit and Dinner. The first...
ABCN’s first scholarship recipient, Jennifer Truong, shares her story on the eve of the ABCN Foundation’s 10th anniversary. Jennifer Truong was the first recipient of the Doug Jukes Memorial Scholarship, the framework of which was...
As part of ABCN’s Digital Careers Expo, over 200 students from eight Sydney schools met mentors from seven companies to learn about the opportunities in digital careers – and the fun you can have. ...
As a Year 10 student in a Perth high school, Phoenix was surprised to be recommended for ABCN’s Accelerate program. ‘I thought there were way better candidates than me – girls who had top grades,...
‘I would 100% recommend ABCN’s Focus program. It was a highlight of my week and is such a great way to inspire and encourage students to be the best version of themselves. I am grateful...
‘Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.’ – US author Verna Myers As part of World Pride Month, TAL’s Pride Committee members hosted students from Kingswood High School for...
ABCN would like to congratulate ABCN Foundation Accelerate student Kaitlyn who has been named a QMEA Ambassador, in a program that aims to provide a pathway into STEM industries for 20 of Queensland’s brightest young...
Our thanks to Hall & Wilcox for hosting our Victorian end-of-year event in which nine scholarship students were welcomed to ABCN through the Foundation Accelerate program. Other states are hosting similar events to celebrate a...
A record 45 deserving young students from across Australia will receive scholarships through the Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN) 2022 Accelerate Scholarship Program this year. ‘No one puts their children in a boat unless...
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