Applying for a Working With Children Check in Western Australia

For mentors who have a current WWCC Card:

Champion scans current WWCC Card and emails it to ABCN, with the name of mentor and program.

For mentors who DO NOT have a current WWCC Card:

Champion distributes WWCC Application Forms to mentors (available partly filled in from ABCN).

  1. Mentors submit applications to Post Office.
  2. Mentors give printed Post Office receipt (contains WWCC Application Number and ID and DOB) to Champion.
  3. Champion scans receipt to ABCN via email.

Cost of WWCC

The WWCC Application will cost mentors $11.00. ABCN Mentors are corporate volunteers in Category 3 Child Related Work in Part 5 of the WWCC Application.

Renewal of WWCC

It is the responsibility of individual mentors to ensure that their WWCC Card is current and valid.

You can renew your WWCC card online. This can be done if the WWCC is due to expire in the next three months and they meet other criteria found here.

If this is the case, they need to ensure that the verification details entered are:

Tiffany Edwards
State Manager ABCN
LVL6 235 St Georges Terrace, Perth 6000

Please send scans of WWCC Card or WWCC Receipt to:

Tiffany Edwards:
Anneliese Bennett:

Any queries, please contact Tiffany Edwards on 0402 611 888 or Anneliese Bennett on 0408 849 806.

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