Applying for a Working With Children Check (called Working with Vulnerable People) in the Australian Capital Territory
Mentors on ABCN programs are required to apply for a Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) registration card. The steps below guide you through this process. The card lasts for 3 years and no fee applies for volunteers. Please allow up to 4 weeks for it to be issued following Step 9.
1. Visit Access Canberra and enter your email address (right hand box). Click continue.
2. Provide your personal details as requested and check the boxes at the bottom. An email will be sent to your email address for verification.
3. After entering the verification number from the email there are a series of steps requiring information from as outlined here:
4. Enter the requested information and when you reach the section headed Application section there are five questions – use the following information:
5. The bar below indicates the remaining data pages to complete. Although self-explanatory, be aware that:
6. Upon clicking submit, you are taken to Next Steps, given a reference number and instructed to attend an Access Canberra Service Centre within the next 30 days to take your required identity documents specified.
7. You can then expect to receive your WWVP registration card by post after Access Canberra has assessed your application and approved it. Please allow 4 weeks for this component.
Please enter your details below.