
ABCN expects the highest standards of all employees, contract facilitators, member companies, mentors who participate as volunteers in ABCN’s programs, Board members and other people who work with our organisation.

We take our obligations to young people who participate in our programs very seriously, and we are committed to an environment that promotes the safety and wellbeing of young people. 

This document sets out our expectations around conduct and behaviour and should be read in conjunction with our Child Safe Policy and any relevant legislation.  

Our ABCN values

All ABCN employees are expected to demonstrate our ABCN Values in their behaviour at work. Our values are at the heart of everything we do, and help us to deliver on our mission. They are: 

  • Purpose – we get up each day to make a real difference. 
  • Relationships are the life-blood of our success – students and mentors, schools and businesses, our network and us. 
  • Professionalism is at the heart of how we work. 
  • With passion and energy, we go above and beyond, always. 
  • We have fun, work flexibly, rely on each other and kick goals as one team. 

 ABCN Board, employees and facilitators

As an employee of ABCN or facilitator for ABCN, you are the face of our organisation in our member companies, for our students and in our schools and we value your time and expertise. We rely on your reputation and conduct to allow us to continue to operate in the privileged space that we do and ask that you adhere to the following code of conduct that has been adapted from the APS (Australian Public Service Code of Conduct):  

  • ensure you hold a valid Working with Children Check at all times, and act in accordance with ABCN’s Child Safe Policy;  
  • behave honestly and with integrity in connection with ABCN;  
  • act with care and diligence in connection with ABCN;  
  • when acting in connection with ABCN, treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without harassment;  
  • when acting in connection with ABCN, comply with all applicable Australian laws, including those relating to bribery, corruption and fraud;  
  • comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by a person at ABCN who has authority to give the direction;  
  • maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that you have with ABCN;  
  • take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest (real or apparent) and disclose details of any material personal interest in connection with ABCN;  
  • use ABCN resources in a proper manner and for a proper purpose;  
  • not provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made in connection with the ABCN;  
  • not improperly use inside information or your duties, status, power or authority to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or an advantage for yourself or any other person;  
  • at all times behave in a way that upholds our ABCN Values, and the integrity and good reputation of the ABCN; and  
  • comply with any policies and procedures that ABCN may implement, as varied from time to time by ABCN in its discretion. 

Working with children

Child safety and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do at ABCN, as set out in our Child Safe Policy. Mentors and ABCN employees, in particular, will be in direct contact with children and young people. There are a number of rules and boundaries that you must keep in mind in order to protect the safety and wellbeing of students on our programs and at our events. The most important of these are highlighted below:

  • Working With Children Check: To ensure compliance with government requirements in individual states and ABCN Child Protection Policy, all employees and mentors participating in ABCN programs are required to hold a current/valid Working With Children Check (WWCC) prior to program commencement.  
  • Create a child-safe environment: At ABCN, we must all work together to create an environment that makes students feel welcome and included, and free of discrimination.  
  • Physical contact should be limited and appropriate: You should not instigate any form of physical contact with a student, other than a handshake or high five, with consent. 
  • Talk to the school, ABCN, or your champion if you are concerned by something said to you, even if said in confidence: Students may disclose personal information suggesting they might be exposed to a harmful or dangerous situation. Please discuss this with a teacher, ABCN or your company champion so it can be investigated and pursued through the appropriate channels.  
    In South Australia, should you become aware of risk of harm or harm to a child, please contact CARL (ph: 131 478).*   
  • Be conscious of your language and expression, and behave in a culturally sensitive manner: Do not make comments or jokes that are discriminatory or sexual in nature. All inappropriate language should be avoided. You should be mindful that our students will come from a diverse range of backgrounds, with different lived experience. 
  • Do not contact any students outside of the scheduled sessions. There should be no exchange of any contact details, such as personal and work addresses and phone numbers and email addresses**. No contact should occur via social networking sites. Do not take or share photos of sessions or students (noting ABCN will provide you with approved imagery of the program you participate in, and you are welcome to use these photos to create a LinkedIn post about your mentoring experience). 
  • Be aware of general boundaries that exist between adults and children: As adults, mentors are responsible for setting the boundaries of the mentor/student relationship be friendly and professional, but not friends.  

If you have any questions or would like clarification, a member of staff from the school will always be present at program sessions, and available for discussion. Alternatively, please contact an ABCN representative or your company champion. 

Breaches of the Code of Conduct

Any breach of this Code of Conduct will be fully investigated and appropriate action will always be thorough, transparent and evidence-based. 

ABCN employees who breach this Code of Conduct may face disciplinary action. Serious breaches may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment without notice. 

All others who act in a way that does not align with our Code of Conduct may have their relationship with ABCN discontinued.    

 * These items relate to South Australian specific requirements. 

* *This does not apply for the Accelerate Scholarship Mentors.


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