30 March 2023

As a Year 10 student in a Perth high school, Phoenix was surprised to be recommended for ABCN’s Accelerate program. ‘I thought there were way better candidates than me – girls who had top grades,...

12 July 2022

Receiving an ABCN Accelerate scholarship has helped Raegan see beyond self-criticism and doubt to achieve big goals. She is now excited for where this opportunity can take her, with additional support for her tertiary education...

18 May 2022

ABCN Foundation scholarship winner Jweel arrived in Australia from Syria five years ago with her family and none could speak English. In her successful application for a three-year Accelerate scholarship, the Fairfield High School student said...

27 October 2021

Media Release: ABCN Foundation announces a record number of 41 Australian students who will receive life-changing mentoring and financial scholarship in 2022. 

31 August 2021

Winning an ABCN Foundation scholarship creates ripples throughout a student’s family and community, as Vivien’s story shows.   When Vivien was three, her mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and her father, a Vietnamese refugee, became a...

6 July 2021

ABCN Foundation scholarship recipient Nicole Hillier can claim a couple of firsts: she is the first in her family to head to university and ABCN’s inaugural South Australian scholar.   Nicole was one of 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whose...

10 June 2021

Despite a rough start to the year, ABCN Foundation scholarship recipient Samara says she’s now finding her rhythm and feeling more confident than in previous years.   The Year 2 Accelerate scholar is in Year 12 and completing her Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).  Samara is one...

25 March 2021

Julina Lim is an ABCN Accelerate scholar who graduated from Cabramatta High School last year with the top HSC state rank in economics and an ATAR of 99.95. We caught up with Julina to hear how her...

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