11 June 2020

Learning from home throughout the COVID-19 pandemic was no easy task for Josephine, a Year 11 student and keen dancer. But thanks to ABCN’s partnership with Optus, hundreds of students like her received a free prepaid SIM card to allow them to learn...

11 June 2020

An overwhelming response from schools to our Laptops4Learning initiative led to a small army of ABCN partner companies joining forces to battle the digital divide. As soon as it became clear that students would be learning from home during the start of the...

11 June 2020

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, ABCN has been working quickly to transform many more of our core programs into digital formats, building on pilots run in 2019. Here’s where we’re at. There was a lot of laughter in the...

28 May 2020

Former ABCN Foundation scholar Joseph reflects on the mentoring and financial support he received through the scholarship, and how it changed his life for the better. ‘Never underestimate the power of wisdom,’ says Joseph Charrouf,...

28 May 2020

Growing up in a Burmese migrant family, Michelle had little exposure to the corporate world. This changed when she participated in several ABCN programs during her time at Auburn Girls High School, which she says...

18 March 2020

Digital program pilot paves way for ABCN to reach more students; ABCN alumnus now working at ABCN member company; ‘For some kids, all it takes is one conversation’ to change an entire life, says ex-student

18 March 2020

Ali Mehana was on track to nowhere before joining an ABCN GOALS program. Look where he is now. At 14, Ali Mehana was starting to skip a few classes. By 15, he was barely attending...

18 March 2020

Among the 1,384 EY staff who volunteered to work with ABCN schools on EY Care Day in November last year, one employee stood out. During a working bee at Seven Hills High School, Joe Yakoub...

18 March 2020

ABCN will experiment with delivering a digital version of our GOALS program in regional and remote areas in 2020, following the completion of a successful pilot late last year. One of ABCN’s strategic goals is...

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