‘ABCN really helped to grow my confidence’: hear from a former GOALS student

Growing up in a Burmese migrant family, Michelle had little exposure to the corporate world. This changed when she participated in several ABCN programs during her time at Auburn Girls High School, which she says heavily influenced her career path today.

Michelle Lwin
Michelle Lwin (far right) with the ABCN Alumni Committee

‘I was always hesitant to put myself out there for anything with a leadership aspect,’ Michelle says. ‘But ABCN really helped to grow my confidence. Through GOALS, I learnt to believe in myself. My mentor encouraged me to seek out opportunities. I’m glad I did because I was elected school captain and achieved school Dux!’

As part of her 2014 GOALS experience, Michelle visited Optus, one of ABCN’s founding member companies. Today, Michelle is a graduate with Optus and a member of the ABCN Alumni Committee, following her completion of an economics degree at the University of New South Wales.

‘My life would be very different if I hadn’t participated in the ABCN programs,’ she says now. ‘I was encouraged to consider university as a pathway towards a bright future, and the skills I picked up led to my success today. I really believe in programs like these because of how they changed my life.’

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