14 October 2021

Media Release: The Australian Financial Review names ABCN as one of the top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Government, Education and Not-for-Profits.

8 September 2021

First Nations students kick GOALS in pilot program; Top tips to become a mentoring master;  and how Vivien’s ABCN scholarship helped her entire family.

31 August 2021

A project to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to consider a wide range of careers and pursue their goals uses a bespoke approach to create buzz. In a classroom at Northlakes High School on the NSW Central Coast earlier...

31 August 2021

Amp up your facial expressions when mentoring online was one of the many suggestions ABCN mentors heard at our first-ever Mentoring Masterclass. Listening and storytelling are crucial elements of great mentoring, and doing it online...

31 August 2021

Winning an ABCN Foundation scholarship creates ripples throughout a student’s family and community, as Vivien’s story shows.   When Vivien was three, her mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and her father, a Vietnamese refugee, became a...

6 July 2021

ABCN Foundation scholarship recipient Nicole Hillier can claim a couple of firsts: she is the first in her family to head to university and ABCN’s inaugural South Australian scholar.   Nicole was one of 10 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students whose...

17 June 2021

How a First Nations scholar is getting through COVID with help from her mentor; we launch our Regional, Rural and Remote programs project; and a GOALS alumna on how the program helped her follow her...

10 June 2021

Despite a rough start to the year, ABCN Foundation scholarship recipient Samara says she’s now finding her rhythm and feeling more confident than in previous years.   The Year 2 Accelerate scholar is in Year 12 and completing her Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL).  Samara is one...

10 June 2021

Emily Winter was considering a creative career before her GOALS program, but wasn’t sure which direction to take. Look where the marketing executive is now.   In 2007, 15-year-old Bass High School student Emily Winter was selected for the GOALS program, an experience she says changed her view of herself. Now 28 and...

10 June 2021

‘It was great to hear about different jobs that are available in the world.’   So said one of the first students to participate in the official launch of ABCN programs designed to open regional students’ eyes to a world of opportunity. ...

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