Find Your Purpose launches!

ABCN are pleased to announce that our latest workplace mentoring program, Find Your Purpose, developed in collaboration with The Purpose Project – Australia has officially launched, marking an exciting start to 2024 for ABCN programs.

Students from Plumpton High School in Sydney’s west made the journey into the CBD to join mentors from MinterEllison and work through a series of activities and prompts designed to help students gain a deep understanding of what is important to them in both their life and their career.


Feedback from ABCN, educators and students was very positive, with one student saying, ‘I learnt the importance of understanding yourself before planning your future’.

ABCN extends our gratitude to mentors from MinterEllison for guiding the students through the process of prototyping and testing their career ideas. The mentors openness in sharing their professional skills and expertise with the students resulted in 95% of students reporting that they now know what steps they need to take to explore their career ideas.

Throughout the year, ABCN will be delivering over 65 Find Your Purpose programs in 2024 through our school and member company network, impacting over 1300 students.

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