12 December 2019

A tool that allows people with disabilities to eat independently; an app for people to try on clothing virtually; an organisational system for teenagers to combat stress. All are examples of brilliant ideas from Year...

12 December 2019

This year has seen a slew of reports on what’s wrong with Australia’s education system. From disappointing PISA and NAPLAN results to multiple reviews by education thought-leaders, it’s clear there’s a lot to fix. Research...

12 December 2019

Alula Abraha is still working at Optus three years after getting a foot in the door through an ABCN program. His success story was one of many told at ABCN end-of-year celebrations around the country...

3 December 2019

‘One of the best jobs a 15-year-old could ask for’: the students benefiting from ABCN connections; Entrepreneurs Unearthed: new ABCN program for 2020; Education reform: here’s one idea for the way forward

21 November 2019

Looking for your first job? Here are seven tips from ABCN alumni; How to seize the day after a disappointment; ‘I’ve come full circle’: an alumna’s tale

21 November 2019

Transformative change takes time, but it’s worth working at it, says Janet Sou, who participated in several ABCN programs during her years at Cabramatta High School in Sydney. The 24-year-old, who is now a mentor...

21 November 2019

Various ABCN programs discuss the value of goal-setting. But what happens when your goals don’t go to plan? ABCN alumna Helen Le knows all too well the importance of keeping an open mind to seize...

21 November 2019

So you’ve decided it’s time to chase your first ever part-time job. Scary, eh? We asked seven former ABCN students for their best advice on how to land one.                    ...

3 November 2019

ABCN Media Release: ACER Report ‘What Do Schools Want from Engagement with Business’

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