Allegra Spender resignation: Statement from ABCN Board

The Australian Business and Community Network’s CEO Allegra Spender is resigning to run as an independent candidate in the next Federal election.

The Board wishes to thank Allegra for her outstanding leadership over the past four years. During this time, the organisation has achieved major milestones, such as reaching 50,000 students through mentoring, transforming itself through the pandemic, connecting students and mentors wherever they are, and being recognised as one of Australia’s most innovative not-for-profits.

The Board intends to appoint Greg George, ABCN Head of Program Delivery, as ABCN Interim CEO. Allegra will remain with ABCN until Christmas. The Board will consider ABCN CEO succession.

ABCN is well set up for our future direction, including our focus on deepening our impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, growing our reach with regional and rural students, strengthening pathways from our schools into our businesses, and supporting young people to thrive in the digital future. It is an exciting time to be part of the network and, with the radical disruption of the past two years, we know our work is more necessary than ever.

We are grateful to Allegra for her vision and energy in leading ABCN to this very strong position. While ABCN is an apolitical organisation, we acknowledge Allegra’s right as a private citizen to engage with the democratic process and wish her the very best.

Tony Macvean (ABCN Chair) and the ABCN Board



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