Here we’ve answered some of the most common questions about our Foundation and Accelerate program. If your question isn’t answered below, please contact us.


What is the criteria to enter?

The Accelerate program is open to all Year 10 students who are Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia.

The program supports students experiencing economic, family or social challenges that are impacting their ability to pursue their desired tertiary pathways. All applications are assessed against predetermined criteria based on student merit, level of disadvantage and need.

Can I save my application halfway and come back to it at a later date?

Unfortunately, no. Please take the time to read through the guidelines and sample questions in advance and have all the documentation you need to complete the application. Items cannot be submitted separately.

Can I send in a hard copy application instead of doing it online?

No. All submissions must be made online. This enables us to assess all applications in the same way.

Is this only for certain states?

No. Accelerate is a national program and we welcome applications from all states and territories.

Do I need my principal to submit my application or can I just do this myself?

All applications require the support of your principal, and they will be asked to submit their own Principal/School Representative Assessment at the same time your complete your application. 

What is the selection process?

All applications are reviewed and then shortlisted. Those shortlisted are then presented to a selection committee made up of representatives from ABCN, Board members and educators for further review. The final selection of scholars is made at the ABCN Foundation Council meeting in October. 



What are the scholarship components?

The scholarship is made up of mentoring and financial support. The financial component is $7,000 which is spread over the three years of the program ($2000 in Year 1, $2000 in Year 2 and $3000 in Year 3). Students must remain engaged in the program to be eligible for the support. 

What can I spend the financial award monies on?

The award monies can be spent on fees or costs associated with education and/or assisting you to undertake your education. Some examples include laptops, Wi-Fi connection, school fees, uniforms, stationery, tutors and excursions. If you are unsure, please speak with your teacher and/or ABCN Accelerate Program Coordinator. 



How do I become a mentor in this program?

We are always pleased to welcome new mentors! The majority of our mentors come from our ABCN member company network so please speak to the ABCN champion in your organisation or contact us directly to find out more.  We open up our mentor recruitment in August and the process involves an formal application.

What is the time commitment required of mentors?

Typically, the time commitment is around 20 hours over a year. In Year 1, it is fairly structured as you establish your relationship with your mentee and will include:

  • a school visit and mentor/student briefing with ABCN (February: 1 hour)
  • two ABCN-facilitated workshops (typically May and August: approx 2 hours each)
  • informal monthly catch up/check-in via email or phone (approx 12 hours over the year)
  • the Leadership Summit and Dinner (May in Year 1: 15 hours over 2 days – NB: this occurs in Year 1 only and this 15 hours is additional to the average yearly time commitment hours of 20 hours per year.)
  • a minimum of one workplace visit/experience for the scholar at your company (mid-year: approx. 2 hours) 
  • end-of-year event held in each state (November: 2 hours)

In Years 2 and 3, the times and activities are more dependent on your mentee’s needs and stage of the program. .

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