One of our most exciting ventures this year was Entrepreneurs Unearthed, a collaboration with EY and CBA, which focused on entrepreneurship as a mindset. Students Jenille and Apekshya from Epping Secondary College were the successful finalists in the program with their winning business concept, ‘The Prime Pack’ – a light-weight backpack specifically designed for students – and their clever tagline, ‘We got your back’.
Both girls consider themselves fortunate to have previously participated in other ABCN programs over the years. ‘I personally really grew with these programs’, says Apekshya. ‘During GOALS I wanted to pursue a career in medicine so I set my goals towards that career. Then, during Focus, I gained an interest in entrepreneurship, but I was still uncertain if I had what it takes. EU gave me an opportunity to learn more about entrepreneurship, and the entrepreneurs we met in the boot camp really inspired me. Now I am certain that I want to start my entrepreneurial journey.’
The students say being able to have one-on-one feedback from their mentors and meet like-minded students and business people already in the entrepreneurial space were the best aspects of the program. They appreciated the opportunity to ask plenty of questions and take part in interactive activities that helped motivate them and switch on their entrepreneur mindset. Their advice to other students considering ABCN programs is ‘Do it! Take every opportunity you can take, because you’ll never know where it might lead you. ABCN programs develop your leadership and communication skills, and help build you up for the future. It also can assist in narrowing down your goals.’
Both girls are intent on continuing a career in business and embarking on their entrepreneurial journey as soon as possible. Jenille hopes to do a Bachelor of Business in Monash University – and Apekshya hopes to study a combined Bachelor of Psychology / Bachelor of Business. We look forward to watching both of these talented students fulfil their dreams.
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