Help a young person become an Accelerate scholar

Somewhere out there is a student who has all the potential, but not the means to achieve it. Despite working most nights to help contribute to the family income, they attend school every day. While they can’t afford many of the textbooks and have no access to a computer at home, they find a way to complete their work on time. And even though their home environment is challenging and they do not have parents who are able to assist them with their school work, they are committed to their study. Despite their profound disadvantage, they are determined to succeed in their education.

An ABCN scholarship can make a difference to their lives. You can help it happen.

ABCN’s three-year mentoring and financial scholarship program Accelerate, specifically targets exceptional yet disadvantaged students. Scholars receive one-on-one mentoring support from a business leader and financial assistance to support them through Years 11, 12 and their first year of tertiary studies or training.

In 2016, we awarded 21 scholarships yet we’d have loved to give more to many other deserving applicants. Of the almost-200 applications ABCN received, 98% of students were from low-SES backgrounds and 45% had suffered trauma. For 20% of applicants, their parents were unemployed. Others were victims of domestic violence, had parents who were incarcerated and/or perpetual substance abusers – and 3% were living in out-of-home or foster-care arrangements. Despite these circumstances, 100% demonstrated an unwavering desire to realise their potential. All of them deserved our help.

Every year we receive more and more applications. Our goal is to meet this growing demand. Your help makes this possible – and even the smallest donation can make a difference.

Supporting one student on an Accelerate scholarship costs $15,000 over three years:

  • $7,000 goes directly to the student for educational expenses
  • the remainder enables the critical mentoring component of the program – a dedicated mentor, the Annual Leadership Summit, career and personal development, interstate travel and accommodation, networking opportunities and events.

Donate today or before 30 June to claim a tax-deductible donation in this financial year.

‘Our neighbourhood has the whisper that you cannot do anything big when you grow up in our suburbs. The ABCN Scholarship has now enabled two of our students to debunk this myth of a postcode being an anchor for young people. The inspiration is uplifting as other students are seeing that getting involved with opportunities available can bring about success in a range of ways.’ 

Ken Massari – Principal, Northern Bay College

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