ABCN turns 20 in 2025!

ABCN marks its 20th anniversary this year, celebrating two decades of impact, growth and commitment to removing barriers and fostering equity. Founded in 2005 as purpose driven nonprofit by a group of Australian CEOs, ABCN began with a bold vision: to bridge the opportunity gap for public school students in low socio-economic areas.  

 ‘We wanted to get big business closer to the community, not by spending on charities but by using our people instead of money,’ ABCN founding member Michael Hawker, former CEO of insurance giant IAG said. 

What started with 12 companies providing mentors to students in two schools has grown into a national network of over 50 leading organisations providing facilitated workplace mentoring programs to more than 200 low socio-economic status schools across Australia. Over the past two decades, ABCN has touched the lives of over 80,000 students via mentoring programs designed to raise students’ aspirations, develop key skills and help build connections and social capital. 

Phil Gardner, CEO of ABCN said, ‘Reaching 20 years is not just about longevity; it’s about the success stories we’ve been privileged to witness. It’s about the tens of thousands of students from marginalised and diverse backgrounds who have had their horizons broadened and potential unlocked.’  

 He added that ABCN’s 20th anniversary is not just a celebration of its achievements but also a call to action for corporate Australia. ‘The need for ABCN’s work has never been greater. According to recent studies, educational inequities continue to widen, underscoring the urgency of our mission. The next 20 years will bring new challenges, but our collective impact can continue to grow.’ 




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