ABCN hits 40,000 milestone after growing 20% last year: Annual Report


We recently passed an important marker: 40,000 students have participated in our face-to-face mentoring programs since ABCN was founded in 2005. This milestone builds on a huge year of growth in 2018, when the number of students reached through our activities grew by 20%.

Highlights from our Annual Report include:

  • A record 6690 students were mentored face-to-face by 3846 corporate volunteers.
  • We welcomed 31 new recipients of our 3-year scholarship program.
  • 93% of ABCN students completed Year 12 (compared with a 74% national average).
  • 100% of mentors said they valued the opportunity to participate in our programs.
  • We collaborated with member companies to pilot new female-targeted STEM programs.
  • We expanded a bespoke program that supports indigenous students’ employability.

These results are a wonderful reflection of the shared value to schools and business that is core to ABCN’s work. More details in our 2018 Annual Report. Happy reading!

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