Above and Beyond

Every year when ABCN produces its member company impact reports, we find ourselves humbled by the number of hours individuals contribute to our programs. We also marvel at the additional time some corporate volunteers give to school activities outside core programs – attendance at school functions, assemblies, careers days and a myriad of other events.

There are many people to acknowledge for their contributions, and we will share their stories in ABCN’s newsletters and via our social media channels throughout the year.

In this edition, we acknowledge the 2016 efforts of two employees with ABCN Founding Partner, MinterEllison. Rob Reed, Special Counsel at MinterEllison’s Brisbane office and Kristy Brockwell, a Senior Associate with MinterEllison in Melbourne.

Rob Reed has contributed his time to ABCN mentoring programs in Queensland for ten years and is a Company Champion for ABCN programs within his office. It’s his job to encourage participation and ensure our programs run as planned. Through his work with ABCN, Rob has developed a deep engagement with ABCN partner school Glenala State High School in Brisbane. Last year Rob attended school assemblies, an awards night, a school graduation ceremony, a talent show, and encouraged the school to become involved in the Darkness to Daylight Challenge– a domestic violence prevention initiative. Rob, other MinterEllison employees and students from Glenala State High School, participated alongside each other and the broader community in the Darkness to Daylight run, raising funds for a very worthy cause.

Meanwhile, in Victoria, Kristy Brockwell left an impression on girls from Gilmore College for Girls when she spoke at a whole-of-school assembly about her non-traditional pathway to a career in law. Kristy has been mentoring a student from the school in ABCN’s Accelerate scholarship program. At the assembly, she shared her personal journey with the students and talked about the role models in her life and how they inspired her. She spoke in a heartfelt way about the opportunities she had seized and the obstacles she had overcome, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Kristy’s concluding words were ‘If you are to take anything away from hearing me speak today, I hope it is that there is no limit to success. Be bold and brave, say yes to opportunities, even if they might scare you. When you come to a fork in the road, don’t take the easy option, take the road that you believe is right for you, even if it is a little rocky.’

Taking time out of busy professional and personal lives to reach broader groups of individuals is something ABCN is extremely grateful for – we know it has impact. We also know it’s something students appreciate as it shows them what’s possible for their own futures.

Thank you, Rob and Kristy, for going above and beyond in your mentoring roles.

If you’re a volunteer who’d like to know more about the additional school-based activities you can become involved in, please contact your ABCN company champion or your ABCN program facilitator.

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